The silver lining to Ghost River being retired is that I get to go off the shitts, sharing whatever I do with Dia. I’m not entirely clear what that will be? But she’s been an ex-lawyer as long as she’s been, like, a character, so that will always stay with her. (fun fact… I first wrote Dia as a lawyer because TWWM provides beginner players with make-your-own esk that have certain pre-determined attributes. Dia’s nature / personality was listed as “vexatious.”– ergo, vexatious litigation… and the rest is history :’ -) )
Anyway. It’s nice to finally share her in earnest. The woman of her previous life is very unlike the esk– loving, gentle, ostentatious, strangely timid at times, but unafraid to make enemies in high places. Well, maybe they share that last trait.
The scribble in the bottom right is heavily referenced from this 1890s strip, a contemporary of Dia.
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