Tamahuaq (ahuaq) tam (ahuaq) tama. huaq. whack. tama.
[Long description: Scribbles of Tamahuaq and co. Tamahuaq is sprawled out on his stomach and looks vaguely irate about something. He opens his mouth, and his unfortunate quarry / trahearne-expy-who-wears-him-like-a-second-skin is revealed. He peers out of Tamahuaq’s mouth equally irately, then reaches out and closes the monster’s jaws shut. A second scribble shows the two in weird centaur mode, grabbing Yuri and pulling him in for a kiss. The roles are reversed in the last scribble, where Yuri rides atop Tamahuaq’s back and turns his boy’s chin up for a kiss, a la George Léonnec’s piece “Centaur Kiss.“]
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