Brief sidebar from working on my godforsaken twine to draw them. i listen to all of the Cedar and the Aspen one too many times and I lose control.
[Long description:
A sketch sequence. The Warden plunges his two-pronged basalt sword into the ground, which splits open. The jaws of Tamahuaq spring forth and snap shut on him, and the tree-beastie breaches the surface as a half-formed mass of roots and bones. Engulfed up to his torso in Tamahuaq’s jaws, the Warden forms the upper body of a sort of chimeric centaur as the Tree settles into a coherent form. The transformation leaves behind several grasping, hand-shaped branches reaching up from underground. Tamahuaq serpentines and the Warden balances his sword, apparently unfazed.
Separating from Tamahuaq is another matter, the Warden finds out. From the sidelines, Riven calls out to them: “You got an exit strategy, big boy? Or are you just gonna—” He’s cut off as Tamahuaq unceremoniously spits out the Warden like a cherry pit.]
i faced complete ego death and transfiguration and all I got was this beast forme
Verses: Moribund
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