This is another one of those pieces of vintage Mercasor art I won’t let go of. Probably the honor of opening will go to, ahem, certain other Normies, but it’s fun to look back at.
Original description: happy this is done. I was feeling sulky about how I can’t quite articulate the nature of Ken and M’s aural + performance arts works right now. It’ll always be brighter and more energetic than I can say, but I’ve been doing a pretty sad job of getting what I can out there. This is some of that.
I touched up on their opening act for Canyon F/Hall here, which I’ll quote;
Ken and M are multimedia street performers at heart; musicians, mages, painters, and actors in one, but they usually keep it off a stage, keep it open and public. They take up the invitation to get on stage once or twice, though.
They’re approached one year by Krissa to open for Normunt’s music + performance arts festival Canyon Fell, and they use it to as the opportunity they’ve been looking for to reach Normunt’s immigrant Akiat and Sarikote community, and to bring the rest of Normunt into their common history.
But I failed to mention the bit where M does the functional equivalent of saying “COLLAB BRO???” @ Asthaom’s hero what time forgot, Sadren, who agrees.
It would take me a few textbooks to explain much more than that. I hope my spaghetti Elements typography isn’t too infuriating to look at. Thanks for hearing it.
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