the problem with me is i will make up a joke npc for gw2 rp with snoodles and then a day later he will have lore. anyway this is Doctor Vax Madmaxim, he does unethical science and got drowned in a vat of dragon blood by Bingus Ruinbringer. the dragon blood fixed him, though
- “mad scientist”-type who is taking a systems ecology lens to everything, from steam machines to magical constructs to biological organisms. unsatisfied with conventional engineering, he starts dabbling in dragon magic to construct biomechanical monsters. (see: I failed bioethics)
- contracted in secret by Bangar Ruinburger to figure out how to control an Elder Dragon. Vax came up with the idea of tapping Jormag’s blood, initially as an experiment in manipulating Jorms (a la contriving weapons out of Kralkatorrik’s blood.) Later, of course, this is used to convert the Dominion to Frost Legion en masse when things start going south.
- caused an international incident during Legion-Dominion peace negotiations, which involved a gladiatorial tourney, two Pact Commanders, a hydra made of Searing crystals, and highly confidential Dominion blood magic.
- Vax was thus detained and, for his failures, dunked in the vat of jormag juice that he had helped create. Bunkbed Ruinbringer evidently didn’t need a way to control Jormag anymore, and Vax had greatly overestimated how indispensable he was.
[Long description: Vax having a less good time. In this doodle, he doubles over, with Jormag’s blue-black iceblood dripping out of his mouth and several open wounds. This doodle is labelled “jormag bloodbag.”]
- Jorms later drags him out of the tub and uses his half-dead body to set a trap for the Commanders, by turning him into a shambling blood-bomb (see: jormag bloodbag.) Given that this is the second worst thing that’s happened to him since the worst day of his life, he isn’t a very cooperative dragon thrall. He’d also developed some sort of nemesis-rapport with the Commanders by this point. As his last act, he warns them away, just before violently retching dragon viscera all over the floor.
[Long description: Vax, mid-transformation into an icebrood. His skeleton emerges from his own body as a centipede-like composite of ice, stone, and snow, elongating his neck and tail in a way that looks painful. His legs and arms droop listlessly, as several buggy-legs emerge to take their place. His still-beating heart is exposed where his ribs crack apart and turn into legs. This doodle is labelled “change of heart.”]
- He was supposed to die– Jorms was done with him– but my man saw himself being turned into a disposable vessel of primordial goop and said “oh so im pupating? guess i’ll metamorphose.” I don’t think that was Jormag’s doing. I think he Just Did That. (see: change of heart)
[Long description: Vax, after his transformation. He cleans up nicely, buggy legs tucked in to create layers of ice plating over his neck and stomach. His heart is safely concealed, though it emits a red glow through his icy “ribs.” He shrugs lightheartedly, using some of his extra limbs to exaggerate the gesture. This doodle is labelled “staying positive.”]
- the newly eclosed Icebrood Vax offers himself to the Pact as a weapon against Jormag, repurposing his earlier research for more benevolent purposes. (see: staying positive)
- uhhh what else. nominally Iron Legion and functionally a gladium, but like hell is he going to let them take his name away. his allegiance is to unethical science first and whoever is willing to pay him to do unethical science second.
- Has kind of always been a piece of work, but became a bigger piece of work when he lost the “mad” warband under mysterious circumstances. Incidentally, this is when he started making frankenstein chimeras. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- he Has A Sensitive Side
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