A short comic about being nearsighted, among other things.
Content Warning:
Needles, eye injury.
Chief: Hey. You. R.A.
The R.A. freezes. She looks up at the Chief like a deer in the headlights.
Chief: Can I ask you a question?
The R.A. lifts her glasses and squints at the Chief, grinning mischievously.
R.A.: I don’t know! I’ve never been in this position before.
The Chief continues, impassive.
Chief: Why won’t you let the bioengineering division outfit you with new eyes and a new leg?
Your nearsightedness puts you at a severe disadvantage.
The R.A. gazes through her glasses, a little dead-eyed. She glances away, features all creased with apprehension.
R.A.: Well…
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