Actor: The False Coyote
why don’t you just ask her
Actual Record Of Redmond’s Search History: “can the devil feel” “does devil have heart” “devil capable of love” “is the devil so bad if he cries in his sleep while…
The Cai
The Thaumat wasn’t the only one to be hunted and killed by the Church. The False Coyote was also declawed and defanged, an act that– while controversial– would have been…
Punch Drunk
A two-page comic about a typical interaction between these two. Redmond isn’t terribly fun to be around when she gets trashed, but at least she’s honest.
harroweve… again!
Whether haunted houses exist in Moribund is a question I didn’t think I’d be asking, but anyway: the False Coyote also gets decked. Continued from here.
A baby! Redmond’s history with the wild folk goes back further than she likes to let on. Her ex-husband’s faustian bargain with the devil is certainly one of the more…
On the Devil’s Back
Jesse and Redmond go way back. They first met (in person) when Redmond got lost in the woods with her shitty ex, who sold Redmond’s soul to the devil in…
chicks dig
“don’t you just want to go ape shitt” — The False Coyote, probably The exchange the False Coyote is referring to is here.
Jesse and the False Coyote are friends that go way back. It’s a little lonely, being the only two spirits that really bother to hang around people, so they find…