Accessibility, Privacy, and TOS


I try to make accessible for keyboard navigation and screenreader use. Reach out if you notice something is missing or not working as expected.

Content Warnings

I issue warnings for sensitive content on all of my pieces. These include things like blood, gore, death, substance use, and so on. If you need to know whether a piece has a certain element in it, feel free to reach out and I’ll let you know when and where they come up.

That being said, there are certain elements like breasts, scars, and disfigurement that are regular aspects of my art, and I don’t warn for these. I don’t create art I would consider to be “body horror,” but I do not use this warning either. In general, my philosophy is that no human body should be considered horror or taboo. To this end I will never use these elements for shock value—but please be aware of this before viewing!

Mature Content

I create some works that are geared towards older audiences. These include works with sexual themes, graphic violence, or certain dark, morbid topics. I mark them with content warnings, but I don’t put mechanical viewing restrictions on them. I trust you to engage (or disengage) with these works as you feel appropriate.

I am not comfortable with minors commenting on/interacting with others on works that have sexual themes. Please don’t be deceptive about your age just so you can do this. I am happy to clarify where these themes appear or why a piece is marked with a warning, but I am not comfortable discussing them otherwise in this context.

Cookies + Privacy

I don’t track what you’re doing on this website. I have no interest in knowing, and I have no plans to change that. The only information that passes to me, personally, is whatever comments you send. This website is built on WordPress, and uses cookies to serve said comments forms (as well as some other functions, like cookie preferences.) This is pretty much the extent to which cookies are used on this site.

Additionally, I try to prevent the poor practices of others from encroaching on this site:

  • Embedded content is blocked by default, and requires user consent to access.
  • All other assets are hosted internally (no externally hosted fonts, scripts, icons, etc.)
  • I run a cookie blocker to catch whatever else I’ve missed.

Code of Conduct

I hold this space for others. I don’t tolerate -isms or -phobias here, and I’m not interested in being debated with in bad faith. My work sometimes grapples with atrocity, messy people, and grey morality, and I am happy to see people reckon with that. Engage critically, just be excellent to each other and remember there’s another person on the other side of the monitor.